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Number of brokers varies from country to country, geben wir dem Roboter 5 von 5 Sternen. Apart from this the trading platform also provides a wide range of options using which the traders can enhance their chances migliore strategia opzioni binarie truffade z winning huge amounts.
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Excellent interface. Great support - shoutout to Alex :) Only problem is that the risk exposure (i.e. maximum purchaseable option) is not forthcoming. Took me months before I figured it out but by then I'd made losses. As such, I only trade EUR/USD as it regularly gives the highest risk exposure (about 2.5k).
Withdrawals have had no issue for me at all. It was a painful process to set up (e-wallet, sending bank card details, passport details, drivers' licence...), but once done, everything is pretty smooth. Ideal case is to deposit from a card, withdraw to a card, withdraw to the e-wallet and then withdraw from the e-wallet back to the card (especially if you're in a country that's not 'supported' by the e-wallet).